电影 女王们2024


Everything happens very fast in Lima in the summer of 1992. In the midst of Peru’s social and political chaos, Lucia, Aurora and their mother Elena are preparing to emigrate to the USA. They are apprehensive about saying goodbye to their country, family and friends, but above all to Carlos, the father and ex-husband who has all but disappeared from their lives. Facing the uncertainty of their future head on awakens contradictory feelings, reviving old regrets and generating new illusions. Frustrations and fears mix with excitement and expectation. Together, the family must confront the difficult truth about the losses that this departure implies.


  • 片名:女王们2024
  • 状态: HD
  • 主演: ABRIL / GJURINOVIC / Gonzalo / Jimena / LUANA / Lindo / Molina / VEGA / 苏西·桑切斯 /
  • 导演: 克劳迪亚·雷尼克 /
  • 年份: 2024
  • 地区: 其它/
  • 类型:
  • 时长: 内详
  • 上映: 2025
  • 语言: 其它 /
  • 简介: Everything happens very fast in Lima in the summer of 1992. In the midst of Peru’s social and political chaos, Lucia, Aurora and their mother Elena are preparing to emigrate to the USA. They are apprehensive about saying goodbye to their country, family and friends, but above all to Carlos, the father and ex-husband who has all but disappeared from their lives. Facing the uncertainty of their future head on awakens contradictory feelings, reviving old regrets and generating new illusions. Frustrations and fears mix with excitement and expectation. Together, the family must confront the difficult truth about the losses that this departure implies.
首页 电影 女王们2024




Everything happens very fast in Lima in the summer of 1992. In the midst of Peru’s social and political chaos, Lucia, Aurora and their mother Elena are preparing to emigrate to the USA. They are apprehensive about saying goodbye to their country, family and friends, but above all to Carlos, the father and ex-husband who has all but disappeared from their lives. Facing the uncertainty of their future head on awakens contradictory feelings, reviving old regrets and generating new illusions. Frustrations and fears mix with excitement and expectation. Together, the family must confront the difficult truth about the losses that this departure implies.


  • In the follow-up to the outrageously funny and wildly successful past shows: 2012's "What's Wrong With People?" and 2014's "Aren't You Embarrassed?" comedian Sebastian Maniscalco asks "Why Would You Do That?". Filmed at the legendary Beacon Theatre, Sebastian continues to deliver his signature comedy style that blends high-energy physical acts-outs and hilariously demonstrative...
  • Everything happens very fast in Lima in the summer of 1992. In the midst of Peru’s social and political chaos, Lucia, Aurora and their mother Elena are preparing to emigrate to the USA. They are apprehensive about saying goodbye to their country, family and friends, but above all to Carlos, the father and ex-husband who has all but disappeared from their lives. Facing the uncertainty of their future head on awakens contradictory feelings, reviving old regrets and generating new illusions. Frustrations and fears mix with excitement and expectation. Together, the family must confront the difficult truth about the losses that this departure implies.
  • Set in Melbourne, Australia during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kristal (Kate Mayhew) is enjoying the last few days of her trip to Australia when she meets Lisette (Stevie McKeon) on a night out in the city. The pair are saying farewell after a one-night stand, when news of Melbourne's border closure reaches them - unable to return to Canada Kristal accepts Lisette's invitation to stay with her during the citywide lock-down. Can these two perfect strangest survive a month together or will their differences drive them apart?
  • 恐怖电影导演黑石光司(白石晃士)带领副导演市川美保(堀田真由),为了实录电影的拍摄拜访了深山里的家。那里有一位精神错乱的美女·三好麻里亚(笕美和子饰),她是黑石电影的粉丝。她拼命地诉说:“我所经历的事情,就是导演电影的内容。”然后在令人毛骨悚然的麻里亚家里,黑石的照相机开始捕捉意想不到的现象。事态朝着更可怕、更不可思议、更危险的方向飞速发展。在恐怖不断逼近的森林中,被“超级志愿者”江野祥平(宇野祥平饰)所救,再加上帅气的灵媒师七梨(饭岛宽骑饰)的加入,镜头不断地记录下恐怖的事件。为了拯救麻里亚,为了制作杰作电影,摄影队的冒险开始了。
  • “Maria” 重新塑造了《巴黎最后的探戈》女主角玛丽亚·施奈德的演艺生涯和悲剧人生。《正发生》中的新星安娜玛丽亚·瓦托洛梅饰演施奈德,而马特·狄龙则饰演与她搭档的马龙·白兰度。本片在一定程度上追踪了贝纳尔多·贝托鲁奇1972年杰作的争议性制作和痛苦后果——这一里程碑式的作品使施奈德一夜成名的同时将她锁定在一个她永远无法逃脱的形象中。这部电影也与贝托鲁奇相呼应,导演帕吕的职业生涯是在《戏梦巴黎》的片场开始的。
  • 本剧改编自自身也有护士经验的藤冈阳子所著同名小说。故事发生在1945年的菲律宾,穿越时空的主人公,在战争时期物资匮乏、与死亡相伴的残酷状况下,与同伴们一起不失去希望地生活着,通过每天的生活,逐渐找回生存的力量。
  • 故事改编自现代作家曲波的作品《林海雪原》,讲述了东北民主联军一支小分队,在团参谋长少剑波的率领下,深入林海雪原执行剿匪任务,侦察排长杨子荣历经打虎上山、黑话舌战、飞跃天险等冒险,与威虎山座山雕为首的匪兵斗智斗勇的故事。
  • 史密斯一家来到瑞典偏远的斯瓦尔塔岛度假,却因为不友好的当地人和奇怪的仪式而感到不安,他们试图好好享受岛上与世隔绝的自然美景,固执地想要忽视周遭的怪异。然而,随着节日的临近,这家人意识到有更邪恶的事情正在发生,并且他们还发现一个连环杀手正在这座岛上逍遥法外。
  • A seasoned Free Stalker tasked with guiding a band of Mercenaries deep into The Zone to investigate a paranormal radio signal. Based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video-game series by G.S.C. Game World.
  • 弗兰克·拉札雷夫(吉约姆·卡内 Guillaume Canet 饰)差点遭人谋杀,捡回一命后,开始搜寻被神秘武装组织绑架的妻子里欧。他曾是法国国家宪兵特勤队的一员,如今往事再度找上门来,他也卷入事关国家高层的风暴,情势完全超乎掌控。
  • 帕布罗和他十几岁的妹妹阿波琳从小一起玩《暗夜》,这是一款在线英雄幻想电子游戏。《暗夜》宣布其宇宙即将消失,而帕布罗与一个叫“夜”的男人的关系也变得越来越重要,这不仅仅是因为他们一起制作和贩卖派对毒品。这部半惊悚半浪漫的电影介于数字身体和欲望身体之间,讲述了童年纯真的丧失。
  • 故事改编自现代作家曲波的作品《林海雪原》,讲述了东北民主联军一支小分队,在团参谋长少剑波的率领下,深入林海雪原执行剿匪任务,侦察排长杨子荣历经打虎上山、黑话舌战、飞跃天险等冒险,与威虎山座山雕为首的匪兵斗智斗勇的故事。

